Parent Page: Trainer Info id: -1 Active Page: Trainer Infoid:31888

All currently approved educators and organizations on the Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) providing training to child care staff (i.e. Headstart, Early Care and Education Professional Organizations, For Profit and Non-Profit Child Care Program in-house training programs, State Agencies, Resource and Referral Agencies, etc.) that are wishing to provide training to providers that is at least two hours in length on a specific topic area, will submit their trainings for approval. Once approved, CECPD will provide an Event ID number to be placed on the training organization's certificate.

For institutions such as higher education and career technology that are providing non-credit bearing training to child care providers, these entities must be aware that "Formal Approved" can only be denoted on the training certificate generated by the institution if the training has been approved as Formal training by the OPDR.

Oklahoma Professional Development Approval System (PDAS)

PDAS is the system and team at CECPD that supports trainers and training organizations that deliver professional development for early childhood educators and childcare providers. We are committed to developing the highest quality early care and education here in Oklahoma by providing professional development that produces results! We encourage continued professional development as research shows that formal education of early childhood teachers means more positive outcomes for children. 

Formal professional development is:

  • two or more clock hours from an Oklahoma Professional Development Registry (OPDR) approved training organization and
  • OPDR approved college credit hours.

To find formal training, look for the OPDR Approved logo when you are searching the statewide training calendar at

Informal professional development is:

  • less than two clock hours from an OPDR approved training organization,
  • any number of clock hours from a non-approved training organization, and
  • any training from electronic media, such as videos or DVDs.

Podcasts, reading and television programs do not count toward required clock hours